The Living One

Many today are misled by assertions like "Jesus probably never really existed" or "There's no evidence for Jesus outside the Bible.” Atheists tend to concede Jesus was a real person, but argue that he didn’t claim to be God, or that the Resurrection was staged. If you are questioning whether Jesus really did live, or if you want to be equipped to answer questions like these, then you will want to explore Pastor Dodge’s new series, “The Living One”

This intriguing series deep dives into the identity of Jesus exploring questions like: How do we know He lived? Is there evidence? Are the Bible accounts of His life accurate? Why is He called the Living One? We will inspect the details leading to the cross followed by probing into the evidence of Jesus' Resurrection with questions like: Did He really die? Did He really rise from the dead? Where’s the proof?

Series overview: Is there evidence that Jesus really existed? Are the Bible accounts of His life accurate? Why is He called the Living One? This series explores these and other questions about Jesus.

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